Thursday, April 2, 2015

Poetry Month!!! Here goes...

In honor of Poetry Month (and nagged by the thought of friends who are doing this, without apparent effort) I am again attempting a poem a day. I have not much hope of success, as April promises to be full of visitors and Folger tours and workshops and Shakespeare's birthday and other assorted events...but enough excuses. Begin. Even if I'm a day behind already.

A Poem a Day?

A daily poem—
I don’t think enough occurs
in my circumspect life
to feed
that ravenous a beast..
A daily note, perhaps,
a period or casual comma—
even a dash
of wit, of wisdom--
but a daily poem entire
and succinct?
It would gulp and gobble
the exact words, the painful
precise words of my heart
and churn them to
a digestible butter,
smooth and soft
and safe,
without even a burp

to mark their passage.

AND...for today?

Spring Cleanup

Who knew that winter would
hoard leaves from the fall—
concealing them in miser’s piles,
wedged in corners and narrow nooks,
weighted by ice and snow,
compacted by
cold-hearted rain and wind?
The blackened grit from snowstorms past
litters steps and walks.
Dead foliage, clinging to the cold earth,
impedes the upward path of  
leaf-green shoots:
winter’s last stand against
profligate spring.

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