Saturday, April 27, 2013

Poetry Month: April 27: Working from Home

Working at Home

Today, when the office-bound
embark on their trek through
a wilderness of cars,
I grab a cup of tea
and head for my first meeting.
Jake (my silent partner) and I
evaluate the tasks for the day
and devise a plan of action.
I plow through the email,
deal with the financials,
communicate with principals,
assess the status and needs
of ongoing projects
and alter timelines as needed.
Jake naps.

Today, when the office-bound
work through lunch,
scrambling to meet deadlines,
Jake and I move on to
supply and maintenance,
taking inventory, making lists,
selecting and transporting,
applying new techniques
and old-fashioned effort
to the job.
At least, I do. Jake gazes out the window,
considering product development:
the invention of a squirrel repellent,
or an electrified birdbath
to annihilate the competition.

This evening, while the office folk
celebrate productive days,
take stock of losses,
and plot tomorrows course
at various happy-hours,
Jake and I, in our well-ordered house,
consider our accomplishments  
and congratulate ourselves
on jobs well-done:
he with Friskies Party Mix,
me with my glass of wine.

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