Saturday, August 15, 2020



Where is the point where the tide changes?

It is too gradual; only those who watch and wait,

who chart and note, who know their history

can predict the future. 

What is the chance of a vaccine, and when

might it be expected? Look to the past? 

A past without technology, analysis 

and data points to study? No.

When will we return to what

we knew as normal? To theater

and restaurants and friendly hugs,

to life without masks and calculations

of how close is too close, and

how many are too many? Possibly never.

When and where will this tide begin to change?

Who notices in the protests, the speeches,

the political lip-service, the photo-ops,

the infinitesimal progress (if it exists)

made toward where we started: toward

equality and justice for all?


What are the chances of emerging

from this miasma of lies

and doubt and suspicion

that we inhabit? We are drained--

parched and thirsty for a rain

of hope, a fresh and driving wind

to dispel distrust. We need

a savior, and, if not a savior,

a prophet, a guide, a pivot point

that turns this tide.

When will we ourselves begin to change?

1 comment:

Joanne Clausen said...

Mary, this is wonderfully insightful! Prods the mind a bit!