Monday, November 5, 2018

My Vote

I will vote today:
for intelligence, not fear;
for understanding, not anger;
for reason, not rhetoric.

I will vote today
for history and its lessons,
for thoughtful assemblies,
not inflammatory mobs.

I vote for peace and justice,
not guns and violence,
for safety for my children and their children,
and for others who come here seeking that.

I vote for forgiveness and kindness, 
not punishment and rejection,
for caring over cash,
for prayer over profit.

I do not listen for the loudest voice,
or the most abhorrent accusations.
I vote for what’s good about my country,
though it may still be flawed.

I vote for the dreams there, 
for all that still could be, 
for the builders, not the breakers,
for the ones who still believe.  

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