Friday, April 10, 2009

Poem a Day?

I believe I mentioned in passing a few blogs ago that I was going to attempt to answer the challenge from to write a poem a day during National Poetry Month. Well, I am 8 days behind in that goal, but...I AM surprised that the reason is simply that I don't have enough time to write them all down. Because I know I have that pledge hanging over my head, I am on constant lookout for something to write about: some snippet of time or scene that bespeaks a poem. Interesting. So, I have initiated the little green notebook. Barely the size of a credit card,  it lives in my pocket, and when anything strikes me--anything at all--I scribble it down in my little green book. Green for "go", perhaps? So far, the green monster has generated material for two poems: one that I like very much (at least on first glance) and one that may yet work its way into my affections. There are also several notes-to-self that I hope will start growing and bearing fruit now that they are planted in a notebook.

Another tool that I never expected to yield anything literarily useful is my camera. While in Tucson, I took a lot of pictures (not ALL of Audrey!) and found that some of the images have lingered in my mind and are prompting a few ideas. But--PIYP Day is demanding attention. And Easter dinner (I'm baking rolls..) And everyday life. And my appearance before City Council. And all the things I WANT to do as well. Maybe I've been having trouble sleeping for a reason. Maybe I should just get up and work. Nahhh.

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