Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New babies

Unfortunately I was unable to attend last Saturday's Alexandria Birthday celebration due to the arrival of our first grandchild. That event trumped just about everything else on our summer agenda. After a week or so of baby-holding and transfers, preparing meals and doing laundry, it is clear why caring for babies is for the young--or at least those more fit than I. Multi-tasking is the name of the game, and my admiration abounds for young mothers who manage to do so much so well.

Needless to say, Audrey is a beautiful baby--growing daily in wisdom, age and grace (3/4 of an inch in height as well!) I will not be a typical grandmother and extol her virtues ad infinitum, but rest assured that she has a plentitude of them, and will no doubt have a few poems from her grandmother to paper her nursery walls. Who knew how fascinating it would be to watch someone sleep? Or do almost anything...


Anonymous said...

please extol on the virtues of the great Audrey Marie who I hope and pray will be every bit as talented as her grandmother...and please share the poems with the rest of us...

Anonymous said...

From one grandmother to another...your priorities are in order. Daughters need their mothers to hold their new babies. No arms are as soft and welcoming. There will be plenty of time to share your poetic musings about Audrey, and I hope you will, but her opportunity to see your practiced, perfect, loving smile leaves a most important first impression.
She is a lucky little girl, her mother is lucky ans so are you!!
Congrats to all!!!

Alexandria Poet said...

(blushing) I don't deserve such kind remarks, but thank you. I really don't think anyone is safe from a first-time grandmother and her files of pictures (says the lady who just bored the clerk at Williams-Sonoma senseless with photos...)